Desexing Your dog

Female Dogs

Neutering, desexing or spaying are all terms applied to the operation in which the ovaries and uterus are removed from the female animal.  The objective of spaying is to stop the dog from coming into heat or reproducing.  There are four main advantages to having female dogs spayed:

  • avoids unwanted pups, helping keep the huge population of abandoned dogs and pets down;
  • stops the dog coming into heat twice a year avoiding messy discharges and invasion from neighbourhood dogs;
  • almost eliminates any chance of breast cancer if spayed before their 1st season;
  • saves money on council registration and future vet bills regarding health and reproductive wellbeing of your pet;
  • increases the average life expectancy.

Male Dogs

Castration or desexing are the terms used to describe the procedure for male dogs.  In this operation both testicles are removed, thus removing the source of sperm and the male sex hormone (testosterone).  There are many advantages for desexing male dogs these include:

  • neutering your dog helps the overall aim of reducing the number of unwanted pups;
  • may make the dog less aggressive and more placid;
  • the dog is less likely to wander, roam and escape yards to mate or fight;
  • desexing prevents testicular cancer and reduces the chances of prostate problems, perineal hernias and hepatoid adenomas (anal tumours).