Moving into the Tasmanian Planning Scheme

The Tasmanian Government is reforming the State’s planning system by introducing a single planning scheme for the State, known as the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (TPS). The TPS will consist of two parts, being the:

  • The State Planning Provisions (SPPs); and
  • The Local Provisions Schedule (LPS).

State Planning Provisions

The SPPs provide a consistent set of planning provisions across the state and include 23 zones and 16 codes and have been prepared by the TPC. For each zone, a use table is provided which specifies the uses which may be applied for within the zone, as well as use, development and subdivision controls. The codes specify requirements for dealing with a range of matters which are non-zone dependent and include hazards, local heritage values, natural assets, parking requirements and the protection of road, railway and electricity infrastructure

Local Provisions Schedule

The LPS provide the application mechanism for the SPP while meeting local planning needs and objectives. LPSs apply to each municipal area, and include the mapping of zones and overlays, lists to relevant codes, particular purpose zones, specific area plans, and any site-specific qualifications.

Derwent Valley Council, in their responsibilities as a planning authority, is required to develop the draft Derwent Valley Local Provisions Schedule (DV-LPS) for its municipal area.

In developing the DV-LPS, Council is constrained by the guidelines provided by the Tasmanian Planning Commission (TPC), known as Guideline No. 1 – Local Provisions Schedules (LPS): Zone and Code Application.

Process for implementation

While Council had undertaken some preliminary work over the last several years, the draft DV-LPS was formally endorsed at the Council meeting on 23 June 2022.

The draft DV-LPS has now been submitted to the Tasmanian Planning commission (TPC) seeking their direction to take the matter to a formal advertising process. The TPC have the option to request more information prior to providing this consent,

The public exhibition of the draft DV-LPS will be for a period of 60 days as required by legislation.  Council will seek to engage widely with the community at this point, however the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 will limit representations to:

  • Any inconsistency between the DV-LPS and the SPP
  • Whether a provision of the SPP should apply (or not) to an area of land
  • Whether the DV-LPS should contain (or not) a permitted provision.


The TPC is required undertake an initial review of the draft DV-LPS prior to directing it to be advertised.  Initial discussions with the TPC have indicated the need for more information to be provided prior to advertising. No timeframe is set at this stage.

Updates to the progress of the DV-LPS are available on the TPC’s website - LPS-DER-TPS – Tasmanian Planning Commission Website

Further information

More information on the Tasmanian Planning Scheme (SPPs and LPPs) can be obtained from:

A copy of the Council decision and the LPS documents, including the supporting report, can be found on Council's website under the attachments for the Council meeting held on 23 June 2022.