Councillor Representatives and Delegates

Authorities and Associations

Local Government Association of Tasmania (LGAT) - Mayor Dracoulis (delegate), Deputy Mayor Browning (proxy)
Southern Tasmanian Council Authority (STCA) - Mayor Dracoulis (delegate),  Deputy Mayor Browning (proxy)
TasWater Owners’ Representative Group - Mayor Dracoulis (delegate), Deputy Mayor Browning (delegate)
Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority - Cr Bingley (delegate), Cr Derksen (proxy)
Derwent Estuary Program - Mayor Dracoulis (delegate), General Manager (proxy)

Council Committees

Australia Day Awards Committee - Cr Bingley, Cr Derksen, Cr Lowe
Audit Panel – Cr Lowe, Cr Hill
Grants Committee - DM Browning, Cr Cosgrove, Cr Bingley, Cr Hill
General Manager Performance Committee – Mayor Dracoulis, Deputy Mayor Browning, Cr Cosgrove, Cr Lowe , Cr Hill
Emergency Planning Committee – Mayor Dracoulis, Cr Cosgrove, Cr Derksen

Want to contact a Councillor about an authority, association or committee they sit on?